Werken bij Finalyse

Our aim is to support our clients incorporating changes and innovations in valuation, risk and compliance. We share the ambition to contribute to a sustainable and resilient financial system. Facing these extraordinary challenges is what drives us every day.

Our people are empowered to design and implement efficient value chains and pragmatic solutions. Acting as one team with our partners and clients, we bring a unique mix of financial and technological know-how.

At Finalyse, every client and employee is unique. This distinctive blend of expertise, team spirit and fairness has contributed to more than 30 years of successful projects and trustful relationships.

Vacatures bij Finalyse

Bekijk hieronder de vacatures die bij Finalyse worden aangeboden
Top vacature
We are looking for ambitious and dedicated senior advisor(s) in the area of credit risk quantification: credit modelling (IRB), model validation, economic capital, stress testing, credit pricing, etc.
We zoeken voor Finalyse iemand die mede verantwoordelijk wordt voor het uitbreiden van onze verzekeringsafdeling in Nederland, en het adviseren van haar bestaande klanten over zaken als Solvency II, Asset...
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