Webinar: “Good for people & for business: nurturing diversity, equity & inclusion”
Webinar, Wednesday, 22 May at 9h30
In this webinar, Gerry Cross from the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) and the Central Bank of Ireland discusses why applying diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is important for building a resilient and successful insurance industry.
Moderated by Moyagh Murdock, chair of Insurance Europe’s DEI Platform and CEO of Insurance Ireland, Gerry Cross – IAIS’ DEI Champion – will explain how introducing and nurturing effective DEI policy across all parts of business – from the board to the work floor – not only helps morale and drives productivity, but helps ensure decisions, services and products meet the real needs of society and consumers.
You are kindly invited to join us on Wednesday, 22 May at 09h30 CEST for this event.